Contact information about our company
JSC "Rechitsaagrotekhservis"
Mailing address: 247500, Gomel region, Rechitsa district, Prigorodnaya village, ul. Yield, 7
UNN 490313849
OKPO 29192807
MF 151501912
Address of the bank: 247500, Gomel region, Rechitsa, ul. Lunocharsky, 7
Name of the bank: branch of Belagroprombank OJSC Rechitsa
checking account 3012420250148 ОАО "Belagroprombank" Rechitsa
Contact phone numbers:
Director: Turovchik Leonid Leonidovich 8 (02340) 9-51-53
Chief Engineer: Klochkov Pavel Anatolyevich 8 (02340) 4-98-77,8(044) 738-88-06
Ch. Accountant: Evlanova Tatyana Vladimirovna 8 (02340) 7-12-20
Department of Supply and Marketing 8 (02340) 4-99-10, 4-98-50
Telephone and fax reception: 8 (02340) 9-61-27